Saturday, December 11, 2010


So, this is my first post of my shiny, new blog!
I got inspired to try my hand at this after participating in #edchat on Twitter. I follow a TON of blogs on Google Reader, and follow many of those authors on Twitter as well. I felt like I was taking in all of this great information, and giving nothing back.Even though I don't have much expertise or experience to give back, I was told by David Wees that "[t]here is always room for synthesizing and reflecting on your own learning and experiences as an educator." And I realized he was absolutely right. If nothing else, this will be a concrete place where I can look back at what I've learned over the course of this journey.

This journey being becoming a school librarian. It's truly my dream job, and one I am in the process of working toward as we speak. I am a graduate student, earning my teaching certification in Middle Grades Language Arts and Social Studies. After that is completed, I plan on entering a program to earn my School Media Librarian certification with an Ed Tech endorsement. I have lots of library experience, so I'm not flying completely blind :)

I look forward to sharing here, and venting here, and learning here. And if anyone happens to read this, I hope that you get to share, vent, and learn here as well.



  1. Congratulations on your new blog! David is right... as an educator it's always a good thing to have a place to reflect, share, and to grow. Blogging for comments or acclaim never works, blog from the heart, be daring to share honestly! Failures to successes and what you learned in between. Cheers darling!
    ~Gwyneth Jones

  2. Well, I'm totally geeking out right now - your blog is one of my absolute favorites, and your support means a lot!

    Thanks so much!
